Con Netbackup Primary Server Migration vamos a poder realizar migraciones de un servidor primario entre plataformas (linux/windows/appliances). Hasta este momento eran necesarios los servicios de consultoría para hacer estas tareas, ahora será posible realizarlas con ciertas restricciones:
- No se puede cambiar el nombre del servidor primario
- No se soporta dividir un dominio
- No se soporte unir varios dominios
- No se soportan clusters (excepto Flex Scale)
Es importante leer muy bien la documentación para estar seguro que la migración que queremos hacer está soportado así como seguir atentamente todos los pasos. Si tenemos una configuración soportada podremos utilizar esta herramienta que nos aporta las siguientes ventajas:
- Se lleva utilizando desde hace mucho tiempo en multiples migraciones, y realiza todos los pasos de forma segura minimizando los riesgos
- La configuración resultante está soportada, las migraciones realizadas por otros métodos pueden no estarlo
- Permite migrar de un servidor con una versión de Netbackup a otro servidor distinto con versión más moderna
- El servidor de origen no se modifica, permitiendo de esta forma volver a utilizarlo si la migración no se ha realizado de forma correcta
- El tiempo de parada es mínimo, ya que permite hacer una copia inicial del catalogo sin parar los servicios, de esta forma la ultima copia con los servicios parados es mucho más rápida
La versión 2.0 de la herramienta, permite la migración entre las siguientes versiones:
Para poder realizar la migración, es muy importante leer bien la guía de la herramienta, así como estar acostumbrado a realizar tareas de troubleshooting y gestión de catalogo (copias de seguridad y restauración), así como de gestión de los certificados. Toda esta experiencia nos ayudará a entender como funciona la herramienta para poder ejecutarla de la forma más adecuada.
Antes de ejecutar la herramienta de migración, es importante hacer un chequeo de consistencia del catálogo con la herramienta NBCC.
A modo de ejemplo, estos son los pasos seguidos para migrar un servidor primario en Windows a un contenedor en un Flex Appliance.
En el Flex Appliance (destino), crearemos un servidor primario teniendo en cuenta que hay que usar el mismo nombre (exactamente igual) y para evitar conflictos, añadiremos en el asistente de creación del primario en la consola de flex una entrada en el dns para que apunte a esta instancia:
En el servidor windows descomprimiremos el software, y en la carpeta «prerequisites» tenemos un runtime de visual c++ que hay que instalar primero. También es necesario instalar gnu tar ( y añadirlo al path (C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin)
Descomprimiremos la herramienta en los siguientes directorios:
- WINDOWS: program files/veritas/nbsm
- FLEX: /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm
A continuación empezaremos con la primera fase, los prechequeos:
bash-4.2# ./nbsm_report -premigrate -target [info] : tar (GNU tar) 1.26 Veritas Installation Script Copyright (c) 2022 Veritas Technologies LLC. All rights reserved. Installing the NbServerMigrator tool for NetBackup Please review the VERITAS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT before proceeding. The agreement includes details on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program. For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to your platform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes are contained in this release, check the Installation and Upgrade checklists and the Hot Fix and EEB Release Auditor, both available on the Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) page: Running nbsm_report 2.0.0 Running Command line: nbsm_report -premigrate -target NBSM report base dir : /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/Linux_x64/ReportTmp ------------------------- A C T I O N R E Q U I R E D --------------------- NetBackup Primary Server Migrator report requires permission to reset NBDB password to access NBDB for faster execution. Do you allow report to access NBDB? ('Y/y' to allow password reset and access NBDB, 'N/n' to use NBU command line): y >>1<< Collecting NetBackup install information ..... 1.Copy sourcesecret.tar file from target 'nbsm' folder to source 'nbsm' folder 2.Start nbsm_report on source with following command - 'nbsm_report -source -premigrate -target_ip '
Una vez ejecutado el comando en el servidor de destino, copiaremos el sourcesecret.tar generado al servidor de origen:
D:\nbsm\windows>scp appadmin@ . appadmin@'s password: sourcesecret.tar 100% 10KB 477.7KB/s 00:00
Y ejecutaremos nbsm_report en el origen con los parámetros indicados:
D:\nbsm\windows>nbsm_report -source -premigrate -target_ip [info] : tar (GNU tar) 1.34 Running nbsm_report 2.0.0 Running Command line: nbsm_report -source -premigrate -target_ip NBSM report base dir : D:\nbsm\windows\ReportTmp ------------------------- A C T I O N R E Q U I R E D --------------------- NetBackup Primary Server Migrator report requires permission to reset NBDB password to access NBDB for faster execution. Do you allow report to access NBDB? ('Y/y' to allow password reset and access NBDB, 'N/n' to use NBU command line): .... Completed transfer! NBSM report on source completed successfully! Check target server for consolidated nbsm report
Tras la ejecución, se genera un informe en el servidor de destino que nos avisará de posibles problemas o errores en la migración, hay que revisarlo detenidamente y corregir los errores antes de continuar. En el caso de un destino flex appliance avisa que hay que parar el servicio nscd:
Una vez corregidos los posibles problemas en el informe, ejecutaremos el segundo paso, la transferencia del catalogo. Este paso tardará, pero se puede hacer sin parar el servicio, copiará los ficheros que no estén en uso y servirá para que en la fase de migración final sólo sea necesario copiar los cambios y los ficheros en uso:
bash-4.2# ./nbsm_target -data_transfer Veritas Installation Script Copyright (c) 2022 Veritas Technologies LLC. All rights reserved. Installing the NbServerMigrator tool for NetBackup Please review the VERITAS SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT before proceeding. The agreement includes details on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program. For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to your platform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes are contained in this release, check the Installation and Upgrade checklists and the Hot Fix and EEB Release Auditor, both available on the Veritas Services and Operations Readiness Tools (SORT) page: Verifying tool path... [2023-04-14 13:23:38] [INFO] nbsm_target ver:2.0.0 subver: [2023-04-14 13:23:38] [INFO] Name: root UID: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-14 13:23:38] [START] get_env_info ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] nbsm_pix version: nbsm_pix- Veritas [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking tempdb dir [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking NBU installpath... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking NBU binpath... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking NBU db path... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking NBU image path... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking var directory... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking global directory... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking vault configuration... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Checking vault sessions directory... [2023-04-14 13:23:39] [INFO] Getting NBU mastername... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Getting server ip address... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Getting server OS type... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Checking cluster server information... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Getting NBU version... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Checking for NBU appliance... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Checking if server is flex appliance... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Checking if server is Flex Scale.. [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Getting dbspace information... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Command completed successfully [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Reading vxdbms.conf file... [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Successfully read vxdbmsconf data [2023-04-14 13:23:40] [INFO] Reading nbdb and nbdblog path... [2023-04-14 13:23:41] [INFO] Reading DB server information... [2023-04-14 13:23:41] [INFO] Getting running databases information... [2023-04-14 13:23:41] [INFO] Getting MSDP information... [2023-04-14 13:23:41] [INFO] Checking for local MSDP configuration on server [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] Command '"/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdevquery" -listdp -stype PureDisk -l' failed with status:227 (no disk pools found!) [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] No local MSDP configuration found on server [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] Checking KMS status... [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] Checking cloud configuration files... [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [END] >>> Completed procedure get_env_info ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [START] connect_server ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [START] connect_server 9999 9998 [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] Please run below commands on source: [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] 1. "nbsm_source -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -add_to_servers" [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] 2. "nbsm_source -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -add_to_clients" [2023-04-14 13:23:42] [INFO] 3. "nbsm_source -target_ip -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -data_transfer"
Llegados a este punto, ejecutaremos los 3 comandos que nos dice la herramienta:
D:\Program Files\Veritas\nbsm>nbsm_source -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -add_to_servers Verifying tool path... [2023-04-14 13:25:45] [INFO] nbsm_source (2.0.0 ) ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-14 13:25:45] [START] add_to_servers ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-14 13:25:47] [INFO] Adding SERVER list on epereira-med11.epereira-dom01.local ... [2023-04-14 13:25:47] [INFO] Getting current configuration for epereira-med11.epereira-dom01.local [2023-04-14 13:25:49] [INFO] Completed with status:0 for epereira-med11.epereira-dom01.local [2023-04-14 13:25:50] [INFO] STATUS: Completed: 1 Failed: 0. Processed: 1 of total: 1 servers [2023-04-14 13:25:50] [END] >>> Completed procedure add_to_servers [2023-04-14 13:25:50] [INFO] Please check D:/Program Files/Veritas/nbsm/logs/nbsm_source_20230414_132545.log for more details D:\Program Files\Veritas\nbsm>nbsm_source -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -add_to_clients Verifying tool path... [2023-04-17 09:23:45] [INFO] nbsm_source (2.0.0 ) ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [START] add_to_clients ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Found 3 clients [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Using max jobs 10. Higher values may cause performance degrade. Consult nbsm if you are not sure of this setting [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Adding SERVER list on epereira-mas11 ... [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Adding SERVER list on epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local ... [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Getting current configuration for epereira-mas11 [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Adding SERVER list on epereira-med11 ... [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Getting current configuration for epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Getting current configuration for epereira-med11 [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Completed with status:0 for epereira-mas11 [2023-04-17 09:23:46] [INFO] Completed with status:0 for epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local [2023-04-17 09:23:49] [INFO] Completed with status:0 for epereira-med11 [2023-04-17 09:23:49] [INFO] STATUS: Completed: 3 Failed: 0. Processed: 3 of total: 3 clients [2023-04-17 09:23:49] [END] >>> Completed procedure add_to_clients [2023-04-17 09:23:49] [INFO] Please check D:/Program Files/Veritas/nbsm/logs/nbsm_source_20230417_092345.log for more details D:\Program Files\Veritas\nbsm>nbsm_source -target_ip -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -data_transfer Verifying tool path... [2023-04-17 09:25:58] [INFO] nbsm_source (2.0.0 ) ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 09:25:58] [START] get_env_info ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 09:26:02] [INFO] nbsm_pix version: nbsm_pix- Veritas [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking tempdb dir [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking NBU installpath... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking NBU binpath... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking NBU db path... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking NBU image path... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking var directory... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking global directory... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking vault configuration... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Checking vault sessions directory... [2023-04-17 09:26:03] [INFO] Getting NBU mastername... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Getting server ip address... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Getting server OS type... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Checking cluster server information... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Getting NBU version... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Getting dbspace information... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Command completed successfully [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Reading vxdbms.conf file... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Successfully read vxdbmsconf data [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Reading nbdb and nbdblog path... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Reading DB server information... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Getting running databases information... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Getting MSDP information... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Checking for local MSDP configuration on server [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] No local MSDP configuration found on server [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Checking KMS status... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [INFO] Checking cloud configuration files... [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [END] >>> Completed procedure get_env_info ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 09:26:04] [START] connect_server ----------------------------------------------- ...... ---------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 10:41:49] [START] operation_complete ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 10:41:49] [INFO] Datatransfer completed successfully [2023-04-17 10:41:49] [INFO] Datatransfer started at 2023-04-17 10:37:17 and completed at 2023-04-17 10:41:49 [2023-04-17 10:41:49] [END] >>> Completed procedure operation_complete
Con esto ya habremos hecho una primera copia del catalogo, que habrá tardado mucho tiempo pero permitirá que la última copia sea incremental y considerablemente más rápida. El siguiente paso será migrar la entidad de certificación raiz (no es obligatorio, pero nos evitará tener que rectificar todos los hosts), con la herramienta VxMigrate, para este punto es necesario parar los servicios en ambos servidores:
Exportaremos los certificados en el servidor de origen:
D:\Program Files\Veritas\nbsm\vxmigrate>vxmigrate -o export -c "d:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\var\global\vxss\eab\data\systemprofile\VRTSatlocal.conf" -f ./exportSource.txt -p P@ssw0rd -d
Y los importaremos en el servidor de destino:
bash-4.2# ./vxmigrate -o import -c /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/var/global/vxss/eab/data/root/.VRTSat/profile/VRTSatlocal.conf -f /tmp/exportSource.txt -p P@ssw0rd -d
Ya estamos preparados para la fase de migración. Esta fase hay que planificarla ya que será necesario parar los servicios tanto en el servidor de origen como el de destino. Ejecutaremos la migración primero en el servidor de destino:
bash-4.2# ./nbsm_target -overwrite -keep_src_cert Verifying tool path... ------------------------- N O T E ------------------------- INFO: "keep_src_cert" option has been detected here. Please make sure that certificates has been imported using VxMigrator tool before proceeding with this operation. Do you want to continue the migration? Press 'N/n' or 'Y/y' y ------------------------- N O T E ------------------------- INFO: Backups taken on STU/STS configured on primary server are not migrated. If STU/STS is present on source primary server, have the backups duplicated to STU configured on media servers ? Press 'N/n' or 'Y/y' Y ------------------------- W A R N I N G S F O U N D ------------------------- [WARNING]: No catalog backup pools found [WARNING]: NDMP host failed to connect [WARNING]: Check Catalog Backup status Fix all reported WARNINGS before performing migration. For details, review NBSM_premigrate_report. Do you want to continue the migration with WARNINGS? Press 'N/n' or 'Y/y' NOTE: Migration may fail if you continue migration with WARNINGS. ........ ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 11:41:48] [START] connect_server ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 11:41:48] [START] connect_server 9999 9998 [2023-04-17 11:41:48] [INFO] Please run below commands on source: [2023-04-17 11:41:48] [INFO] 1. "nbsm_source -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -add_to_servers" [2023-04-17 11:41:48] [INFO] 2. "nbsm_source -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -add_to_clients" [2023-04-17 11:41:48] [INFO] 3. "nbsm_source -target_ip -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -migrate -ignore_disk"
Y cuando nos lo indique, ejecutaremos los comandos en el servidor de origen:
D:\Program Files\Veritas\nbsm>nbsm_source -target_ip -target_name epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local -migrate -ignore_disk Verifying tool path... [2023-04-17 11:51:51] [INFO] nbsm_source (2.0.0 ) ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 11:51:51] [START] get_env_info ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 11:51:53] [INFO] nbsm_pix version: nbsm_pix- Veritas [2023-04-17 11:51:53] [INFO] Checking tempdb dir [2023-04-17 11:51:53] [INFO] Checking NBU installpath... ....... ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 11:58:48] [START] operation_complete ----------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 11:58:48] [INFO] Catalog migration completed successfully [2023-04-17 11:58:48] [INFO] Migration started at 2023-04-17 11:51:51 and completed at 2023-04-17 11:58:48 [2023-04-17 11:58:48] [END] >>> Completed procedure operation_complete [2023-04-17 11:58:48] [INFO] Please check D:/Program Files/Veritas/nbsm/logs/nbsm_source_20230417_115151.log for more details
En el destino podremos ir viendo los pasos que ha ido haciendo. Si todo ha ido bien obtendremos una pantalla con el resultado:
########################################### # M I G R A T I O N S U C C E S S F U L # ########################################### [2023-04-17 12:11:38] [INFO] Migration of source NBU server epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local ( to target NBU server epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local (10.0) completed successfully [2023-04-17 12:11:38] [INFO] NOTE: It is recommended to reconfigure (delete and add) storage devices,catalog policy [2023-04-17 12:11:38] [INFO] NOTE: NOexpire file will be in place till clean up is completed. This prevents image cleanup! [2023-04-17 12:11:38] [INFO] Perform thorough assessment on migrated NBU before running NBSM cleanup as cleanup removes ability for rollback [2023-04-17 12:11:39] [INFO] Set Ownership on Backup images, as the target is Linux/Unix and the source is Windows. Command to execute: chown -R <service_user>:<service_group> /usr/openv/netbackup/db/images If the Service user is not configured then, please use root. For details refer to the NBSM Administrator's Guide [2023-04-17 12:11:39] [INFO] Overwrite started at 2023-04-17 11:41:23 and completed at 2023-04-17 12:06:15 [2023-04-17 12:11:39] [END] >>> Completed procedure operation_complete [2023-04-17 12:11:39] [INFO] Please check /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/logs/nbsm_target_20230417_114123.log for more details.Ensure to act on 'ERROR' and 'WARN' in log file
Una vez terminado, hay que revisar el log para corregir posibles errores. En este caso, al migrar de Windows a appliance, la herramienta avisa que hay que cambiar los privilegios de las imágenes con el comando chown.
Ahora será necesario actualizar los servidores y los clientes:
bash-4.2# ./nbsm_target -update_servers Verifying tool path... [2023-04-17 12:18:02] [INFO] nbsm_target ver:2.0.0 subver: [2023-04-17 12:18:02] [INFO] Retrieving data from /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/temp/target.json file [2023-04-17 12:18:02] [INFO] Name: root UID: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 12:18:02] [START] update_servers ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 12:18:03] [info] Skipping NetBackup configuration update on epereira-med11.epereira-dom01.local as this server was not reachable during the premigration report generation. [2023-04-17 12:18:03] [INFO] Completed 1 out of total 1 servers (completed: 0 failed: 0) [2023-04-17 12:18:03] [END] >>> Completed procedure update_servers [2023-04-17 12:18:03] [INFO] Please check /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/logs/nbsm_target_20230417_121802.log for more details.Ensure to act on 'ERROR' and 'WARN' in log file bash-4.2# ./nbsm_target -update_clients Verifying tool path... [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] nbsm_target ver:2.0.0 subver: [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Retrieving data from /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/temp/target.json file [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Name: root UID: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [START] update_clients ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Updating SERVER list on epereira-mas11 ... [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Updating SERVER list on epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local ... [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Getting current configuration for epereira-mas11 [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Updating SERVER list on epereira-med11 ... [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Getting current configuration for epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local [2023-04-17 12:18:46] [INFO] Completed with status:0 for epereira-mas11 [2023-04-17 12:18:47] [INFO] Getting current configuration for epereira-med11 [2023-04-17 12:18:47] [INFO] Completed with status:0 for epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local [2023-04-17 12:18:48] [INFO] Completed 3 out of total 3 servers (completed:3 failed:0) [2023-04-17 12:18:48] [END] >>> Completed procedure update_clients [2023-04-17 12:18:48] [INFO] Please check /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/logs/nbsm_target_20230417_121846.log for more details.Ensure to act on 'ERROR' and 'WARN' in log file
Y regenerar los certificados del servidor de destino:
bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbwmc -terminate bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbcertconfig -u -i NetBackup AT service configuration for web service user completed successfully. bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbcertconfig -m NetBackup AT service configuration for web services completed successfully. bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbcertconfig -t -f Security certificate generated successfully for tomcat. bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbcertconfig -s -f EXIT STATUS 0: Security certificate generated successfully for SAML. bash-4.2# /usr/openv/wmc/bin/install/configureWmc bash-4.2# /usr/openv/wmc/bin/install/configureCerts bash-4.2# /usr/openv/wmc/bin/install/setupWmc bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbwmc -start bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpnbat -login -logintype WEB Authentication Broker: epereira-mas11 Authentication port [0 is default]: Authentication type (NIS, NISPLUS, WINDOWS, vx, unixpwd, ldap): unixpwd Domain: epereira-mas11 Login Name: appadmin Password: Operation completed successfully. bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbcertcmd -createToken -name reissue_token -reissue -host epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local Token ELGLYKUEEPRRBERM created successfully. bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbcertcmd -getCACertificate NetBackup CA certificate is successfully stored from the master server epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local. bash-4.2# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/nbcertcmd -getCertificate -token ELGLYKUEEPRRBERM -force Host certificate and certificate revocation list received successfully from server epereira-mas11.epereira-dom01.local.
Por último, habrá que revisar la conectividad del master con los medias y los clientes, asegurarse que funciona correctamente la resolución de nombres, así como hacer una prueba de copia de seguridad y restauración (también de imágenes antiguas). Una vez que hemos dado por valida la migración, habrá que ejecutar unos comandos para volver a activar las políticas y las slps:
-bash-4.2# ./nbsm_target -activate_policies Verifying tool path... [2023-04-18 11:06:07] [INFO] nbsm_target ver:2.0.0 subver: [2023-04-18 11:06:07] [INFO] Retrieving data from /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/temp/target.json file [2023-04-18 11:06:07] [INFO] Name: root UID: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-18 11:06:07] [START] activate_policies ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-18 11:06:08] [ERROR] Unable to find policy history: /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/temp/deactive_policy [2023-04-18 11:06:08] [END] >>> Completed procedure activate_policies [2023-04-18 11:06:08] [INFO] Please check /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/logs/nbsm_target_20230418_110607.log for more details.Ensure to act on 'ERROR' and 'WARN' in log file -bash-4.2# ./nbsm_target -activate_slps Verifying tool path... [2023-04-18 11:06:16] [INFO] nbsm_target ver:2.0.0 subver: [2023-04-18 11:06:16] [INFO] Retrieving data from /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/temp/target.json file [2023-04-18 11:06:16] [INFO] Name: root UID: 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-18 11:06:16] [START] activate_slps ---------------------------------------------------------- [2023-04-18 11:06:16] [ERROR] Unable to find SLP history: /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/temp/deactive_slp [2023-04-18 11:06:16] [END] >>> Completed procedure activate_slps [2023-04-18 11:06:16] [INFO] Please check /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/logs/nbsm_target_20230418_110616.log for more details.Ensure to act on 'ERROR' and 'WARN' in log file
Y por último generar un informe para revisar si todo se ha hecho de forma correcta:
-bash-4.2# ./nbsm_report -post_manipulation [info] : tar (GNU tar) 1.26 Running nbsm_report 2.0.0 Running Command line: nbsm_report -post_manipulation NBSM report base dir : /mnt/nbdata/usr/openv/nbsm/ReportTmp >>1<< Collecting NetBackup install information .... >>8<< Generating Post-manipulation report Generating NBSM report for post-manipulation for comparison... ...done Generating NBSM post-manipulation comparison report... Post-manipulation report generated successfully
Si todo es correcto, para dar por finalizada la migración, hay que ejecutar el siguiente comando para borrar los ficheros temporales:
-bash-4.2# ./nbsm_source -clean_up
De esta forma, gracias a esta herramienta vamos a poder hacer de forma mas sencilla y segura las migraciones, e incluso cambiar de sistema operativo que sin ella no sería posible.
NetBackup Primary Server Migration Tool 2.0
Hola, excelente publicacion,
que metodo podemos utilizar par continue la migracion aun saliendo errores como los warnings.?
Gracias por su comentario. Habría que ver el error exacto, en la guía del producto hay una parte de troubleshooting. De todas formas, ha salido recientemente la versión 2.3, no se si la ha probado para ver si los sigue dando.
Un saludo,
Muchas gracias, ya he podido realizar las migraciones,
pero el tema siguiente es de las AIR replicaciones, ya que no he podido dejarlo replicando luego de la migracion.
Hola Benjamin,
No se si hubo alguna incidencia tras la migración. En cuanto al tema de AIR, si no están bien los certificados podría ser que no hubiera comunicación correcta entre todos los servidores involucrados. Te recomiendo revisarlos, así como ejecutar un btestbpcd (con el parámetro debug y verbose) para ver si pueden hablar entre si todos los servidores involucrados (primarys y medias).
Un saludo,